I was reading an article the other day about a woman in USA who lost 50 pounds in 3 months because she changed her diet. She gave up meat, fried food, pasta, etc. Then she started to eat fresh fruits and drink milk for two meals a day. So if you have a strong desire to lose weight you ought to try this kind of diet.——Allen Mak
  不久前,我讀到過一篇關於一位美國女性在三個月內減掉了50磅的文章,這是因為她飲食習慣上的改變。她放棄了肉食,油炸食物,意大利面等等。然後她開始吃新鮮的水果和喝牛奶,一日兩餐。因此如果你很想減肥,你可以嘗試這樣的飲食方法。(本文僅代表作者個人觀點)  (原標題:A diet that consist of fruits and milk)

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